Where I Live: Brasov, Romania

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Central Park
„Chees players’ Cercle”
The name of this place is „Livada Poştei”, namely „The Orchard of Post Office”
There is neither orchard nor post office any longer there.
From left to right, there are: the rector’s office, a high school and the public library.
View from Central Park
I do not know who dwell there.
A world of gaiety
Children’s world, down, a asylum sheltering „joyful” adults, on the hill.
Public Library
Central point of Brasov. Its name is „Piaţa Sfatului”, in English guildhall, as the building was similar, in the past, with the town hall.
Upstairs, my art studio was.
The oldest preserved access gate in the old Brasov’s citadel, named „Poarta Ecaterinei” (Catherine’s Gate)
Beyond the walls of the old citadel („După ziduri”)
„The First Romanian School”, painted by Stefan Mironescu on the wall of Saint Nicolas Church
Brasov's downtown, seen from my windows in a winter morning
Surroundings of Brasov
The castle „Peles”
„Dracula’s Castle”, in fact, an old fortress
Villa in Predeal
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